Sunday 20 April 2014


New Blogger
Lol -_-
Actually it's my first time writing something for the world to read and I am not sure how to start. Clearly I am not Charles Dickens, only he can come up deep cheesy shit like " It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". Don't take me the wrong way I personally love these lines, they fit to every age and every situation.

 Now I sound abruptly straight forward like the Catcher. Although, come to think of it since I choose my name after "I capture the castle" so I can begin like that beauty did. She started by  saying "I write this in the kitchen sink...." . Well then I write this in the bosom of my bed, from the warm nurturing comfort of my room, unaware of the dark forces that patrol the streets by the window. I know I am protected for now, but the evil awaits. Ready to suck me deep into its horror and proclaim me for eternity.
This was an epic-ly failed attempt on my behalf to be dramatic, as you can see I am not a writer. So for my sake I hope you got what I was trying to convey.

 Maybe everybody feels that way. You know you are safe for now but not forever and by safe I mean at peace. We always find a way to detach ourselves from this state of incredible numbness and think about thinking which scrambles our brain. The reason I am writing is because I want peace, how do i get it?